The Sailor by Lucia Kašová

A film about a storm rider washed ashore

Johnson lives on his boat in Harvey Vale Bay on Carriacou, an island in the West Indies. Both he and his boat are now unfit to sail. His engine is broken and he is trying to fix it. The hurricane season is in full swing with the entirety of its destructive power. Johnson relies on his friends to tow his boat to nearby hurricane hole in the mangroves if a hurricane is coming. He paddles his old and leaking dinghy with all his force to the shore to buy vodka and a bit of food everyday. Here, we see the clumsiness which comes with age, unwillingness to change, despair in loneliness, with both glitters of his past and thoughts of the end.

What is the price of freedom? Paul Johnson sailed the world all his life. He loved, drank and lived foolish, never truly living on land. Now he is turning eighty. Both him and his boat are unfit to sail. He drinks a liter of vodka a day and contemplates his life, his death. What is at the end of such a journey? Is there loneliness? What is the relationship between freedom and selfishness? Does fulfilling a dream always have a bitter end?

Production year: 2021
Duration: 79 ‘
Language version: English, English subtitles


Creators :
Director : Lucia Kašová (SK)
Producer : Nazarij Kľujev (SK)
Production manager : Anna Rumanová (SK)
DOP : Martin Jurči (SK)
Camera operator : Maxim Kľujev (SK)
Editor : Roman Kelemen (SK)
Dramaturgy : Jan Gogola (CZ)
Music : Martin Turčan (SK)
Sound : Tomáš Bauer (SK) Igor Jedinák (SK)
Sound Postproduction : Igor Jedinák (SK)
Color grading : Matej Šalko (SK)
Animation & VFX : Viktor Boža

Admission: 3 €