Radijo-Musikii Presentations Live: ‘R’ Trio

Radijo-Musikii Presentations Live: ‘R’ Trio

‘R’ Trio could be best described as outsider free-improvised music trio, consisting of two electric guitars (Laurynas Leonaitis, Povilas Dumbliauskas) and the violin (Miglė Babickaitė) with strong emphasis on the outsider element. Their music is full of false starts, breaks, mishaps and dead-ends. Their approach is focused on the freeing of failure within the situation of free-improvisation, rather than its transformation into ‘success’ as music. The trio refuses to develop a determined or formalized set of experimental techniques which would threaten to reify the contingency of the situation of playing together, while nevertheless remaining within a limited field of possibilities. This apparent contradiction is what guides the trio approach to playing together. The point is not to release unforeseen possibilities or potentialities of creativity (and the false sense of positivity, which accompanies such ideologies of potentiality over actuality), but rather to dwell on the failure of expression, its getting stuck in the passage from intention to result, from technique to composition, to explore what remains when one subtracts from failure the potentiality to be transformed into success. ‘R’ Trio is the encounter of three people with instruments, which does not necessarily lead to a musical outcome.
Tune in for another episode of Radijo-Musikii Presentations December 18th, 10 PM Vilnius time.