Screening music related films on Wednesdays
– A Joyful Noise – 1980, 60 min
A wholly apt description of this film on the eccentric visionary Sun Ra. His noise spans and includes styles from post-bop big band jazz to the outer limits of contemporary improvisation. The joy is the totally natural, celebratory, and always danceable way Ra and Arkestra play that noise. Open ears will wallow in his amniotic funk – even those shocking solos – and rock fans will cower at his invention. There’s a sly irony about his cosmic/Egyptian theories, and the interviews with his band, their involvement in Philadelphia’s black community, and final, blessedly noisy live proof will leave you wondering – what if he’s right?
– Shimmy Disc Volume 3 – unknown year, 62 min
Video clips introducing neo-psychedelic label founded in 1987 by Mark Kramer